The short answer is Yes, it is possible to lose weight fast.
How Fast?: It is important to remember that a healthy sensible amount of fat to lose really should not be more than say 2 pounds a week. If this is not as fast as you would like, then an accelerated fat loss program where the body's metabolism is geared to burn maximum fat may be OK for a limited time period.
What about Diet Pills?:There are a lot of pills on the market with the usual testimonials and pictures etc that say that you can lose weight quickly. It seems to defy logic though that a tiny pill can help you lose bulk fast in a healthy sustainable way. Reminds me a little of the movie "Soylent Green" where the food of the day was a nutritional pill. How exciting is that?
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Can I speed my metabolism up?: Burning fat by using your own metabolism and the shifting calories diet allows you to naturally lose weight fast and keep slim as a way of life. Mixing the correct amount of fat burning foods and knowing the correct pattern of eating is your answer to slimming down. By eating foods that take more energy to digest than they give means that your body will hunt down your fat areas and use them for energy. Altering the pattern of when these foods are ingested will keep your metabolism at peak rate.
Can I still eat junk food?: To continue a diet for an extended time will put your body under a lot of strain and a good weight loss diet, even if it promises quick loss, should always stress a sensible approach by yourself when you want to lose those kilos. Laying off the diet at two week intervals is often a good way to ensure your body is not punished too hard. Having a bit of a junk food weekend now and again is also great for motivation.
How can I stay slim?: Fast loss should only be a temporary goal, sustained weight loss should be a balance between using your knowledge of shifting calories gained when you learnt how to lose quickly, a sensible exercise program to keep the whole of your body in shape and above all, a realistic view of what your ideal weight should be. Your need for quick weight loss should never compromise your overall health.
So, is losing fat quickly possible?: If your idea of fast weight loss is 30 pounds in a week, then I would say no. To lose say 9 pounds a week is possible with the shifting calories theory. If you want to diet safely and healthily for a sustained period, see if you have enough time to use the shifting calories theory but slow it down to around 2 pounds per week after your initial fast weight loss phase.
How can I start?: Ultimately, if you need fast results, then you also need to take action quickly as well. We all know that if we had started to eat right and worked out correctly when we first noticed the pounds piling on, we probably would not be looking for a super fast fixit now. Now is the moment and now you can make a difference. The power of this wonderful internet means you can start your online weight loss diet within 10 minutes and from the next mouthful of food you eat.
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